Well things are slowly getting back to normal. It’s been one majorly hectic week! It all started on Australia Day when I offered to work and help out with the celebrations. Council was putting on a big event with dog fashion parades, special guests, rides - the whole shebang. I rocked up at 12:15 and my job for the day was to take the registrations for the dog fancy dress parade. And it just so happened that I got to play with a lot of dogs ;)
Anyway as soon as I get there, I get whisked away to help put up a marquee, and was told to just put my bag in the Council tent along with everyone else’s stuff. There were 4 people in the tent, cutting up temporary tattoos, and decorating the stall with Aussie flags and streamers.
About 45 minutes later, I am done putting up the marquee, and I wander back to the un-attended Council tent. I notice my jumper on the footpath about 5 meters away and think it’s been blown away by the wind. I pick it up, and go to put it back on top of my bag, just to discover that the bag was gone. There were cameras and other bags sitting in the tent, but my bag was the only thing that was missing. Everyone split up and helped look in garbage bins, in the small crowd, and in the parks, while I borrowed a phone and rang Travis to tell him to cancel the credit cards.
In the space of 25 minutes, the bag was gone, and 3 transactions were rung up on the cards. We called the Police, and they came out and I was able to give them my statement. Not only was my wallet and all my ID in the bag, so were my house keys and car keys. The car was still where I parked it, and I told Travis not to leave the house at all.
At 4:00pm Travis’ parents came in to drop off my spare car key so I could get home. The car was still there, waiting for me, and it didn’t even occur to me to move it. I should have, because at 6:30 when I went to leave, the spot was empty and the car was long gone. Another phone call to the police, another statement and I managed to get a lift home with my work colleague.
That night was a bit scary. Knowing the thieves had my car which had a full tank of fuel AND my work fuel card in there along with my address and house keys. We bolted all the windows and doors, made sure the dogs were kept inside the entire night and turned on the front and backyard sensor lights, as well as the sunroom lights.
The locksmith came first thing the next morning and we got the locks changed. The car was a company car, so I took the train in to work and they gave me a ute to come home in. LOL I have never driven a ute before and I was a bit lost when it came to trying to operate the column shift for the first time! The next day, they hired me a car from Avis for me to get around in. No news about my stolen car, but the funky, bright green SV6 Commodore with the Body Kit was a nice supplement!
We went to Katoomba on Saturday night and came back home to a message on the answering machine to say that the car has been found “in tact” and the police have towed it to a secure location. It was going to get finger printed on Monday.
On Monday (yesterday), I rang the mechanic at work and he picked it up, checked it all out, and sent it back to Toyota to get the locks changed. Then they washed all the finger print dust off, and detailed the inside before delivering it to my office on today (Tuesday).
Surprisingly, there is no damage. There are a few small things missing – my new Pink CD, my water bottle – a funky bright pink Tupperware one with a secret bottom to put keys in when you go walking – My cancelled E-Tag and my cancelled fuel card. Most everything else was untouched… Funnily enough, the house keys were also in there, which I was VERY excited about because they had a special key ring on them. The keys are of no use, but I was a bit sad to lose that key ring!
So that’s been my week. I’ve ordered a new E-Tag, and I can’t wait to get that because this whole needing $2.75 x 2 everyday and having to stop to pay the toll is doing my head in!
In amongst all that, Onslow has still been having his arm dramas. Turns out he also has Elbow dysplasia in both elbows and it is something can not be operated on, unlike the hip dysplasia that he has. So we just have to manage it for however long it can be managed for.
He had an injection directly into the elbow on Saturday and he seems to have responded really well to that. Prior to the injection he was only getting up twice a day at meal times. Once he had eaten he would lay back down again. Yesterday he was almost back to normal, walking well with just a slight limp, wandering around the house whenever he hears food being prepared or eaten, and even getting up to go the toilet when we tell him to. (Yes, our dogs will wee on command, it’s fantastic!)
Although, the cheeky thing will only wee in the front yard now and takes FOR.EVER to get back inside, pretending he needs to do a poo then rolling on his back and being all cute when he gets told to get back inside. All these are normal Onslow-traits which we haven’t seen for over a week ;)
Anyway I think this post has gotten big enough now. I have so many photos to catch up on from the project 365, but I might do those tomorrow. I am very proud of myself for remembering to take a photo every day. Even Travis has been very camera happy and is always grabbing the DSLR and taking random pics, just in case I forget to my “photo of the day”! hahaa
Catch ya later :)