Tuesday, January 03, 2006

Happy new Year!

well Merry chrissie and happy new year :)

I enjoyed my week off from work, but really I think I need longer!! LOL I just was not ready to go back yet!

hmm, well after all this christmas and new year food, not to mention my birthday lunch put on by my sister linda, I am feeling very full, and am so sick of cake!!!! LOL I have put on a whole 6kg since my wedding just over a year ago, so I am now launching back into the exercise regime! well, easing my way back in slowly!! LOL I used to do so much exercise when i was at home.. I could spend an hour doing skipping and pilates while mum cooked dinner.. now that I have moved out, by the time i come home from work, cook, clean and organise lunch for the next day, im exhausted!! So the solution.. getting up at 5am each morning to go for a brisk 40 minute walk, and doing either aerobics or a bike ride most (not all) evenings before eating dinner. I can handle early mornings, and I am much more motivated to go out before dinner so I have something kicking me along to hurry up and get home so I can eat!! LOL 6 kilos isnt much, but its enough when all my clothes are suddenly struggling to fit!! hahahaha. I dont eat much "bad" food.. lots of fresh fruit, vegies, salads at lunch, grilled meat / fish and hardly anything fried, and seldome have dessert except for the odd "paradise lite" biscuits or jelly.. so must just be the lack of exercise. Which is annoying because a change of diet is the easy option!!! LOL

Anyway I had a great birthday and a great christmas... i was just starting to get into the Christmas mode and now its all over! hahaha. Well, I still have the tree and tinsel up at home.. and christmas carols are still playing through the speakers at work..

I really want to change these dots, but I couldnt find any templates that i liked more than this, and im too lazy to fiddle around and add my own stuf.. LOL Maybe one day when im bored ;)


Anonymous said...

My goodness you are good my exercise routine at the moment is running after kids, 6kg you get rid of that. I still have to loose 4kg after having my baby, 12 weeks ago, and they don't seem to want to go anywhere fast.

Anyway great Blog.

Anonymous said...

Your blog looks great!!! and 6kgs OMGosh I would love to only have to lose that little LOL