Monday, February 06, 2006

Bits and Pieces

ahh.. monday monday. I hate mondays. So unmotivated yet I have a fair bit of work to do... It can wait till tomorrow.. too hot to go outside investigating petty complaints.. I can not beleieve how many people whinge and complain about their neighbours and get Council involved in the most STUPIDEST of issues... dont people talk to their neighbours anymore? LOL ok, I am guilty of running inside to avoid one of mine so I dont get stuck talking to him for hours on end, but really these things are just silly!

Anyway I have joined in on Zinas challenge / journey over at scrapboxx.. first challenge list 25 personal achievements for 2005. LOL I cant even think of 25 things I actually DID let alone achieved last year!! hahahaha.

Well Travis is home sick today.. I hate going to work when I know he is at home relaxing, watching TV and playing with the dogs!! LOL But i have an RDO on Friday so I really cant complain :)

Actually, its great that he is into my scrapbooking hobby cos he always has the camera handy getting those perfect scrapping shots when Im not around!! LOL He took this of Onslow in full flight this morning:

I have been trying for ages to get a good one of them running so well done Travis on that one!!

Well, we went for another dive on saturday to try out our new gear.. travis almost sat on top of a big blue crab and quickly had to move his fingers out of the way cos it was a-snappin!!! LOL I was laughing so hard!!

Yesterday we went and visitted Linda and Scott and the girls for Mads's birthday. Got some good shots of Alyssa after convincing her I was actually taking photos of the really interesting tree behind her! LOL well, She had a tantrum and told me to stop looking at her and taking photos so after she found out I was taking them of the tree, she started acting silly.... and I got a great one of her doing a monkey dance!!! LOL Its still on the camera though, so I will upload it when I get home!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Lisa you have had such a busy few days, great shot of the dogs. I would love to go diving how unreal, do you have an underwater camera, what piccies you could get to scrap.
