Well how annoyed was I this morning!
I go thru the tolls on the M4 twice a day.
I have an E-tag.
I turn my music off as I go through so I can hear it beep.
If it doesnt beep I go straight on the internet and put my details in a form so they can charge it to my account.
On Monday I got a letter to say I didnt pay my toll on the 20/6 (a Tuesday) going home from work. I thought perhaps I forgot to listen for the beep, or whatever so I just filled out the form and faxed it off. The toll was only $2.20.
Today I get another letter. This time saying that I didnt pay my toll coming home on the 27th (the following Tuesday). well.. I thought no way would I NOT hear it twice, BOTH on a Tuesday afternoon, one week apart.
I promptly got on the phone to the toll people. Gave them my details. Ranted and raved for a bit and she said ok I will go through the history.
I get put on hold for a good 5 minutes as she checked the account history for that week, she comes back and I had to laugh at her next comment:
"You changed lanes as you went thru the toll"
hello??!! Its peak hour with bumper to bumper, do you really think I will change lanes as Im going THROUGH the toll booth??!!
She explained that my toll was paid to lane number 8... but the camera in lane number 7 took my photo and reported that I didnt pay!! I said well, look love, your cameras are faulty cos I dont change lanes.. especially in peak hour traffic going through the toll booth. (I am the kind of person that picks her lane and stays there no matter what! LOL)
So then she goes ok dont worry I will waive that right now for you.
Its only $2.20, but seriously.. if that happened to everyone using the toll that day imagine how much money they would have gotten!! Im sure pleanty of people would have been like me and just paid the first one no questions asked, thinking they just tuned off or didnt notice it or whatever. Im sure pleanty of people would have still paid the 2nd one... she just caught me in a fired up mood today! LOL After I hung up i thought hmm.. I should have queried the one from the week before that I paid without questioning :) But I didnt cos I was too lazy LOL I had already gotten one victory!!!
ANyway I have been busy making layouts.
I LOVE these 3 recent ones.... no-one else does though :( None of them have been getting much love around the place!!!! just 2 or 3 comments... which I know shouldnt matter but when I am so excited about them cos I actually think they are just so wonderful and then they get only 1 or 2 comments.. well it just makes me feel like im invisible!! But then I tell myself I'd rather do stuff *I* am happy with, rather than trying to scrap so I do get comments.. if that makes sense?
Still, comments would be nice though :P
Anyway.. will start from the most recent: And I put small previews on, but you know you can click on the images to see the full sized ones, right?
Here are Belle and Onslow when they could still be picked up and cuddled, at about 12 weeks ols :) oh I miss those days!!!!!! Especially Onslow.. he was half the size of Belle (runt of the litter) and all he wanted was to snuggled in my arms.... Actually nothing much has changed... except now he insists on laying in my lap whenever I sit down and he squishes me.. then Belle gets jealous and joins in, so I have over 85 kilos and dogs fighting to sit on me... LOL
For this layout I used Jeanelle Paiges "Hot Days of Summer" kit, Gina Millers "beadazzled" beads (gorgeous!!! grab them from SBB) and the flowers are from a kit by Robin Carlton and Manda Bean (Mental blank.. forgot the name! LOL its the Robin Carlton CT reject kit ;))
This is Travis being a goose. We were bushwalking at Wentworth Falls and he starts "surfing" on a log.. it wasn't actually moving.. but I was soooo waiting for him to loose his balance and fall in the water!!! ROTFL
I used Lauren Grier's monkey Boy kit, which you can find at Elemental Scraps :)
AND finally, my ALL TIME favourite layout that I have ever done so far. I just love it :)
I used Carrie Stephens Tuscan Villa for this, plus the doodles are from Faith True (gorgeous Sketch Pad doodles.. grab them from Elemental Scraps as well :) And the alphas are from Dani Mogstad.. a freebie blog gift that i love and use a bit too often LOL
It felt good doing non-CT layouts for a change :) Well, I love doing my CT layouts cos I love all my designers kits, but when I do layouts for CT kits, i like to try and stick with just that kit. With the dog LO and the Me LO, I enjoyed searching through all my folders. But I spend too long looking for things rather than actually scrapping LOL and even still I ended up using the majority of stuff from the one kit LOL.
Anyway better stop rambling now and let you guys leave some comments for me LOL :) Yes thats a hint.. comment!! comment!! comment!!!
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testing - testing
and good luck to your sister with her shop
OOOh I love the layouts Lisa!
I haven't checked the galleries lately so I didn't see these, otherwise I definitely would've given them love! All are gorgeous!!
Love the "pups" - I had to put it like that because sometimes I feel my dogs are huge, but they're probably about the same size as your babes are there! Polly was the runt of her litter too, she's still fairly tiny for a Border. Very long and thin, but surprisingly heavy for her size!
I leave comments on a lot of your layouts. I think your very talented and I love your ideas and style:)
Keep up the good work Lisa and enjoy the week end.
that's wacko about the tolls :S WHO on this planet switches lanes while paying tolls?? lol
And HEY.. my comments aren't good enough for you anymore?? lol I've been slacking in the comment department, missing half the layouts... children are evil !
Ohh Hun those layouts are awesome - sorry for being a slacker! - Totally love that you argued about the toll - how annoying is that!?! I'm sure they have made a MINT in over charging grr
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