Friday, September 22, 2006

a few things...

Im a picklehead :)

2: I got my nose pierced :) I took a pic but it was pretty dodgy!! hahaha my nose was all red and yuck so I will take another tomorrow. Its a pretty diamond.. and it KILLED to get it done. My navel was virtually painless and i was expecting this to be the same... nope! LOL Probably because I wasnt expecting anything that it hurt so much :)

3: We are going to Italy for christmas!!!! we just decided last week and booked our tickets today. will be staying with my aunty who I have never met :) How cool!! We may get a white christmas :)


Simple Digital Girl said...

You have been tagged- check out my blog for more info :)

Anonymous said...

All VERY cool news!! We only saw about two hours of snow last Winter but since I'll be in the warm place, I'll hope for a nice cold snowing European Christmas for you! ;)

Anonymous said...

OK the first news I knew about but am soooooooo pleased!
The second I am impressed by as it is something I always thought about doing but just don't think it would suit my chubby face
The third.. can we say JEALOUS!?!?