So whats been happening? Lots of stuff, yet nothing at all really :)
After coming back from the trip there were numerous family do's for birthdays, plus the usual Christmas feasts, and it was then that I decided to really get stuck into moving the extra few kilos that had started to creep up on me. It was either that, or spend a lot of money on a new wardrobe to buy clothes that I wasn't busting out of.
That saw me take up running :)
In 6 months I have gone from struggling to do one lap of the 2.2km route I have mapped out, to completing the 25km Woodford to Glenbrook Fun run on the 19th June. It was a gruelling course. Travis came along with me, and together we gritted our teeth as we pounded out the agonizing last 6 kms to finish the race in a time of 2 hours and 40 minutes. Certainly not ground breaking pace, but a proud moment when we crossed the line.
We have registered for our next one too, the Hunter Valley Half Marathon :) Should be fun, at least we know what to expect this time :) Of course, with any new hobby I take up, it also means splashing out on all the new fandangled equipment.
Like my snazzy new Polar Heart Rate Monitor with the footpod so I can measure distance and speed and basically have things to play with and distract me on my runs...

And a pair of snazzy pair of Long Skins to help my muscles after a long run, just like the ones in the pic:

And after all that, I STILL need to buy a new wardrobe because I have lost those few kilos, and then some! Now my clothes that were popping at the seams in January are now floating on me...
In amongst all that, Onslow had his knee operated on again, at the same time as they did his hip operation. Here he is on his first day back home from the hospital:

He needed to be active straight away to help the hip heal, but at the same time, needed to be bedridden to help the knee heal.. the compromise was doggy hydrotherapy!

It took a while, but eventually he was walking into the pool of his own accord and getting the laps done with no fuss. Such a good boy :) He's recovered from that nicely now and at this stage it looks like he wont need the other hip done yet.
He must be one of the most expensive Berners ever, but he's worth every cent :)

And just to keep it even, here's a pretty one of Belle:

So thats all thats been happening around here.
I'll try and make it back in here next week for a post-race update!!
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