Monday, January 19, 2009

Still here!

Well, it’s day 19 and I am still doing my photo a day :)
Not that you can tell.. they are all on my camera waiting patiently for me to bother getting them off and processed. But I have been taking them :)

Today I am still recovering from Saturdays antics. Travis and I went in the Kathmandu Adventure Race and after getting lost a few times early on and having to backtrack a bit, we finally crossed the finish line after 6 gruelling hours. LOL At least we weren’t last! There were about 10 teams still behind us when we got to the final kayak leg.

We were expecting a clearly marked out course with a nice, easy fire trail to run along. Wrong on both counts!! They gave us a map which they had marked the various checkpoints on, and it was up to each team to figure out the quickest path to get to each one.

As for the “runs” well, I don’t know about anyone else, but when it comes to boulder hopping over massive rocks in the middle of the Nepean Gorge, I don’t do that much running! I did a lot of crawling around on all 4’s, sliding down rocks on my bum and climbing up steep embankments however…

I can understand now why the equipment list included things like a compass, one of those silver emergency blankets, a whistle, and a decent first aid kit! I have a few cuts and bruises from barging my way through thick shrubs which had thorny branches but apart from that, I pulled up ok! We had a blast. I was a bit delirious on the last kayak leg and found it hilarious that massive lengths of Elodea were getting caught on my paddle and then falling off and landing on my head and down my back. I was laughing so hard that I wasn’t looking where we were going and we ended up getting stuck on a rock in the shallow water. Twice. Travis was very unimpressed at that point.

That afternoon, I showered and pulled on my skins to help my poor aching muscles to recover from their ordeal. We treated ourselves to a nice dinner at Hubertus’ Country Club where I ordered the Gypsy platter. My eyes nearly popped out of their sockets when it came… one huge chicken schnitzel, one huge veal schnitzel, one delicious Kranksy, 2 crumbed mushrooms, cabbage, baked potatoes, and a side of some kind of beetroot salad, a garden salad and the best potato salad ever! I ate all of the salad and all of the vegies, but only half of each schnitzel and half of the kranksy. I could have kept going but I didn’t want to stuff myself. I was nicely satisfied after burning off 2,500 calories during the race :)

Sunday was spent doing house work and washing and grocery shopping. Nothing overly exciting. I made the snickerdoodle cookie recipie I found on Kate’s Blog a while back, and had another attempt at making a sourdough bread from scratch. It turned out really well! The shape was much better this time around :) So much so, that it was the subject of my day 18 photo!

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