Tuesday, February 09, 2010

Photo overload!

No I haven't given up on the photo a day thing, just haven't managed to post them until tonight :)

Thursday 28th Jan

My poor neglected, unwatered plant benefitting from some rain. It's been cared for and bought inside out of the 40degree heat and is no longer wilted!!

Friday 29th January

Fans: our best friends! Trying not to use the air con as much these days is easier now that the tv is set up in the back room where we have an abundance of ceiling fans.

Saturday 30th January

podium finish! Trav hot a phone call one night to say he had a trophy waiting for him as he came 3rd in his age group for the 3pm swim!! We won't mention the fact that he was 3rd out of 3 entrants in his age group....

Sunday 31st January

Sunday morning kisses :) he's a smart dog and he knows he's not allowed on the bed, unless it's Sunday when the sheets get washed!

Monday 1st February

Geeze i can't believe we are in feb already!! I did this calendar of our Alice springs and kimberleys trip andusef snapfish to make it highly recommended!!

Tuesday 2nd February

Ugh so much junk mail!! I can't get over the ridiculous amount we always seem to get each and every day. Such a waste, especially as we don't even read them...straight into the recycle bin actually.

Wednesday 3rd february

Traffic. The bane of my exustance. And one thing I am looking fwd to not having to contend with for a whole 12 months very soon!!

Thursday 4th February

31 weeks!!!! Belly is starting to get a bit uncomfortable, but I love it!!

Friday 5th February

Dinner for one! Trav had a meeting after work so I got to have a nice, quiet night in. I had a delicious meal with background noise of a huge storm! The rain was ridiculous, belle was hyperventilating due to the thunder, and travs train got stuck at penrith station so I had to pick him up from there. It was the first of numerous heavy downpours over the weekend.

Saturday 6th February

Lazy Saturday. What netter way to spend a soggy, wet weekend??

Sunday 7th February

The 2010 season launch! We picked up our season tickets (upgraded to family seeing as the seats next door to us were vacant and we have no intention of moving from the seats we have been on for 8 seasons straight!). The hood thing about a family pass, is we get 4 tickets which allowed us to get 4 free sausage sizzles!! LOL

Monday 8th february

My best friends! I have had shocking heartburn and these babies fix me up in no time!!

Tuesday 9th february

New table! It got delivered today. All we are waiting on are the recliners which should be here next month and then the back room will be complete :)

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