Monday, March 26, 2007

Bits and Pieces

Well, the dogs turned 2 on the 22nd March so we had a big birthday bash for them :) I havent bothered editting the photos yet.. i'll fix up the evil yellow eyes and low light when I go to scrap them LOL

I cooked them a tasty meal of premium mince from the supermarket mixed with vegetables and a side serving of mashed potatoes. The meat was tasty, I could have eaten it for my dinner! It was all human food anyway.

Onlsow was a bit scared of the sparkler and tried to make a run for it :) Belle just sat there waiting for us to tell her to eat.. they are trained not to eat until they are told :) And when I aid EAT they both scoffed it down in no time!!!


Then on Saturday we had to take them to vet to get their needles and a general check up. Last year Onslow was around 45kg and belle maybe 41 or 40 or something. This time we put Belle on the scales and she weighed in at 45.2kg which sounded about right as they were still growing this time last year. Onlsow on the other hand nearly broke the scales at 57kg!!!!! LOL Ok so he is bigger than Belle, and has always been very "barrel-like" in shape.. so I thought he might be pushing the 50 mark.. but 57kg?! We did it 3 times just to make sure :)

Anyway so Onslow, whilst weighing so much was not obese, or even fat.. the vet called him "a bit chubby". But because of his hip problems that he already has, and the fact that this breed needs to be kept thin anyway, he has to go on a diet :) Which means he's earnt a new nickname of "Chub". He only needs to loose 5kg so its not much. I just find it hilarious that he even weighed so much :) No wonder I couldnt move my legs when he layed over them the other night! hahaha

So not much else happened this weekend.. house work, grocery shopping, vet, voting.. oh a trip to Leichardt to see a German movie...and we had the most delicious white chocolate hot chocolate mmmmmm sooooo tasty!

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

So, how's things?

Its been ages since I blogged! I have been scrapping heaps so I will put my pretty layouts throughout the post.. im sure its going to end up fairly long! LOL Click on my gallery link to see all the credits :)

Anyway nothing overly exciting has been happening in recent weeks. Although I did decide I wanted a tattoo.. well, i decided that a long time ago but now i've actually drawn up a few designs and taken them into the place to see how "do-able" it was. I have saved up all my cheques from the magazines and need to spend them on something! LOL Speaking of which, keep an eye out in Scrapbooking memories.. namely vol 8 number 11 and volume 8 number 12...I have more than just layouts in those 2 ;)

I was told by work that my car is ready to be changed over, which means I willl have a nice, shiny new car in the coming months!! I'm waiting to hear if I am allowed to get a rav4 :)

I cant wait for Easter. We are going to Mudgee with some friends for 3 days. Going to take our bikes and do some riding, and of course going on a wine tour and stocking up our wine supplies ;) Actually, im just looking fwd to the break from work more than anything :)

Travis and I are learning French. We just enrolled in a Community College course at the last minute, and its weird cos its held at my old high school! LOL Its strange being back there! Anyway Im finding it pretty easy as its so similar to Italian. I kind of sit there bored as the teacher needs to explain things like verb conjugations, masculine and feminine articles etc etc... im sitting there thinking, just hurry up and get to some vocab!! LOL But im enjoying it and we will enrol in the next level as well... gotta try and learn as much as we can before we go in October :) Travis is doing really well with his German lessons.. he's going 2 nights a week at the goethe institute which seems soooo much better than the community college ones he was doing last year.

Travis's mum gave me a very old photo of her sister at school.. the pic was pretty bad with rips, creases and old yellow sticky tape stains, and I managed to restore it :) I had never done anything like that before and was pretty pleased with my effort! I dont have it here but I will post b4 and after pics tonight (or whenever! LOL)

The dogs are doing well. Belle went through a stage of not eating her biscuits.. which was annoying as dry biscuits make up the majority of their meals! LOL So we now get them those dog food roll thingos.. chicken and pasta style stuff. so Belle gets mainly that and just a few bikkies and she is back to hoovering the food down :) The only downside of that is her teeth are getting dirty as she has never been interested in
bones either! I took her to the local vet (their REAL vet is Dr. Rob Zammit from burkes backyard fame... but he is a 40 minute drive away!) and she said there was nothing wrong with her teeth, and told me i needed to pay $400 to get them cleaned as soon as possible. Well... I dont think so! I got a toothbrush and some toothpaste (doggy toothpaste!) from mum and its working a treat! We are doing Onslow as well. He's much better at tolerating it, except because he is so greedy he tries to actually suck the toothbrush off my finger and eat it - the toothpaste is beef flavour so he thinks my finger is food.

Its their 2nd birthday tomorrow :) We have the party hats and sparklers ready and I have to go and buy some special birthday food for them (last year was sausages, mashed potato and gravy) and a cake for travis and i to eat LOL. We arent normal. But they look so cute in their party hats!

Here are some dodgy pics from last years birthday celebrations!