Friday, July 13, 2007

......{insert title here}.....

I have a headache that just wont go away! No matter what I take, it will go for about 10 minutes and then come back.

Anyway... When I was a kid I remember asking mum how come birds can stand on the electrical wires and not get fried. She told me it was because the birds have "special rubber feet" and they aren't affected by the electricity.

Fast forward 26 years to just yesterday... I was driving to work and there was a discussion on the radio about how you can hold on to one electrical wire and not have anything happen, but as soon as you touch a 2nd wire, your body acts as a conductor and all the electricity goes through and you get electrocuted.

I turn to Trav who was in the car with me and ask if its true, to which he said yep. hmm... then I told him the story of the birds with rubber feet and he could not believe that at age 26 I still believed that story!!! LOL I'm so disappointed that it's not true!

So, when we have kids they better watch out, I'll be spinning them the funniest stories when they ask me questions! ROTFL

WELL, not much has been happening around my little corner... Just plodding along. I'm a bit under the weather today but I had to come into work as the boss is at a training course, the Senior health inspector is off for the school holidays and that just leaves me to hold the fort and deal with all the complaints and sewer problems!!
ugh I dropped my camera in a big puddle of sewerage yesterday :( Fortunately it was the work camera.... but still.. YUCK! I smothered it in alcohol when I got back to work! hahaha

Quick dog update: Onlsow has lost a grand total of 10kg!!!! He WAS 57.5kg when we went in April to get his shots, and now just 3 months later he is sitting on 47.5 :) The goal is 45 so he's almost there :) I was looking at photos of him from April and OMG he looked MASSIVE!! LOL like a big fat blob-a-tron!

ANyway I can't be bothered typing anymore. Who wants to see some pretty layouts?

Check out the layout credits in my gallery

Well, thats all from me for the time being! Hope everyone has a great weekend!

Sunday, July 08, 2007


ahh isn't that pretty? The photo in the header was taken by me at Wanaka in NZ :) Such a beautiful place, I just love it.

Anyway just sitting here relaxing after a fairly busy weekend! We had to wait forever at the vet, but the good news is he doesn't think the lump is malignant but just to keep an eye on it. so thats good. And he didn't charge us either, which was nice. We must be valued customers with the amount of money we spend at that vet! LOL

So as soon as we came back, I ate lunch, got dressed and headed out to catch up with a couple of friends from high school who I hadn't seen in aaages! It was so good to finally catch up and amazing how even after all these years it still felt exactly the same, we really haven't changed much at all :) So we will have to do that sometime again very soon! - Sorry Kate, I forgot to bring the camera! I'll remember next time ;)

By the time I came back from there, I ate dinner that Travis had cooked while I was out, then sat on the lounge with some wine and Trav made scones :)

Today (sunday) we got up early, went to the shops to buy our fruit and veg for the week, I came home an cleaned up the mess from the late-night scone making, cooked our lunches for the week, hung the washing out, cooked a pasta sauce for our late lunch / early dinner, cleaned the kitchen again, sorted washing out, went out the back with the skipping rope and jumped for a good 45 minutes, cleaned the bathroom and shower, had a shower, cooked some home-made gnocchi, ate it, cleaned up the kitchen for the 3rd time today and packed away my clean washing and now im tired! LOL

What a boring story! hahhaha
And with that, im going :)

Friday, July 06, 2007

Thank God it's Friday!!!

The week has flown by but bring on the weekend!!! I'm so over work and am counting the days until we head off to Europe.

Tonight we are going out with some friends to Una's at Darlinghurst mmmmm yum!!! I LOVE this place :) The first few times we went there on a Saturday, but last time we went on a friday night and for $15 we got the "special" which was 2 HUGE schnitzels and a beer. The schnitzels seriously hang off the edges of the plates and are sooooo nice.

Anyway then tomorrow morning we are running to the vet again. This time for Belle. She has had a small lump on her elbow for about a year and over the last couple of months it's gotten noticeably bigger, so we booked her in for a checkup, but I guess they will want us to bring her back on another day to cut it out and see what it is. Is it just me, or is there always some kind of drama with our dogs?! LOL

Saturday afternoon I am catching up with some old school friends who I haven't seen in years!! It should be great!!!!

Sunday nothing much on the plans at this stage... maybe go for a drive somewhere. Or maybe just stay home and be boring LOL depends on the weather and how we feel.

We started watching the new James Bond movie last night.. I was exhausted so I fell asleep half way through :) as usual!! LOL So I have to finish that at some point over the weekend.

I'm still tired because the dogs went NUTS in the middle of the night... Belle was jumping at the window at the front and barking, Onlsow was running around doing the most viscious growls I have ever heard him do! I rolled over trying to ignore but Belle decided we had to get up so came bounding onto the bed barking and jumping on us. Nothing was there though. It was probably a cat. But I love having them inside at night for that reason. If anyone is hanging around they just carry on and on. And because they are such big dogs they have very loud, deep barks and sound so much tougher than what they actually are! hahaha

Thursday, July 05, 2007


Ok so the most random things enter my mind and I generally start talking without thinking.

Take the other night, for instance.
I was washing up and Travis was cooking pasta.
He opened the packet and pulled out a long spagetti (raw) and sticks one end in my mouth.

I very very carefully eat my way through it, which was pretty tricky without having any hands to hold the rest of the pasta in place while biting bits off the end.

Once i'm done at start to marvel at the way the mouth is set up. "wow isnt it amazing how my teeth, tongue and lips all work together to eat the spaghetti".

Travis looks at me like im crazy.

I continue... "well, my tongue pulls the pasta into my mouth, my teeth snap a part of it off, and my lips keep the rest in place until the tongue can pull it back in! Amazing!

Travis isn't impressed and declared he could do the same thing without lips.

So he stands next to me, holds his lips apart (looking like an ape at this point) and gets me to put another spaghetti in his mouth. As soon as he took a bite, the rest fell into my washing up water.

At which point I stick a big soapy finger in face and yell "AHHHH-HAAAAAA!!! SUCKED IN!!" and then go back to the washing up.

I seriously don't think we are very normal ROTFL

Wednesday, July 04, 2007


I have been meaning to fix up this blog forever!! I hated how narrow the main bit was. Anyway now all I need is a new blog header with some pretty blues to complete the look :) Watch it take me another 6 months to get that done :p

Monday, July 02, 2007

2 weeks...

...worth of updates! LOL

Tattoos - well they healed nicely and im hanging out for warmer weather so I can show mine off! LOL I went and booked my 2nd one in yesterday, which will be on the 28th July. I was so impressed with Kaylene that im more than happy to wait 3 weeks for her to do my 2nd one :) This will be a cute little cat on my lower back with some pretty swirls either side :) I like girly and I like different LOL

What else... we had a great night up at Katoomba a couple of weeks ago as well! We went up to Linda and Scotts place, where they lit the outside fire thingo and we ate, drank, laughed, toasted marshmallows and basically carried on like clowns till the early hours of the morning.

So it was sooo cold and there was frost at like 8pm or maybe even earlier! Leanne hopped on the trampoline and her feet stuck to it! LOL I had a go on the swings until Linda pushed me off, We drank a few cowboy shots, someone scoured the streets for a real estate sign and we went sliding down the frosty hill!! LOL Later in the night after most people had gone home, travis had a turn at trying to "surf" on it, slipped and fell and didnt get up. We laughed, I yelled "Are you alright?" There was no answer, and no movement...I asked again, there was a lsight moan and we all just ignored him and enjoyed the fire. Poor thing!!! He could have been really hurt or knocked unconscious and we (Me, Linda, Scott and one of Scotts mates) just sat there laughing at him!! ROTFL Fortunatley there was nothing wrong with him and he was just laying there laughing anyway. ahhh fun times!!!!

The oven got fixed on Friday! Not that we really use it much.. i do 90% of my cooking on the stove.. I pretty much only use the oven on weekends to make pumpkin scones or muffins to put in the freezer for snacks at work..
I did some home made gnocchi again yesterday :) yum I could eat it all day and its not that hard to make. I did a delicious Pumpkin soup as well on Saturday :)

We went to the Alliance Francaise (sp?) in the City on saturday with our french teacher and 2 other people from our class. LOL I got to order my food in French.. no idea what she said to me after that though! hahaha. Travis thought he was brilliant when he went and asked (in French) where the toilet was .. and then expected the answer in English, and when it came in French he had to think quick to try and understand :) Anyway I ended up buying up a French cook book! One page has the recipie in French, the facing page has it in English. So many tasty recipies.. Travis has earmarked about 10 ginormous meals for me to cook him. ha! yeah right....

So the dogs.. well Onlsow is recovering nicely from his operation. I cant believe its been like 9 weeks already! Anyway he is climbing on the lounge again.. actually he's a bandit for that lounge these days! He will park his ginat body there around 8:30pm / 9:00pm and he will still be in the exact same position when we wake up at 5:30am! I do find that he rarely jumps anymore though.. im not sure if its because his knee is still a bit sore, or if he remembers hurting it from jumping last time and he's scared.. either way its nice to come home to only one jumpy dog instead of 2 jumpy dogs! LOL

And on the weight loss issue, he has gone down from 57kg to 48kg!!!! He still looks like a fat barrell though.. Belle is now 40kg so maybe thats why he still looks fat.

Anyway scrappy stuff.. here are some recent layouts :) I have been creating some of my favourite layouts lately, mostly with stuff from Christy Lyle which hasn't been released, so I can't show it off!!!! Anyway here are some other layouts that I CAN show off ;) Follow the link to my gallery on the left if you wanna know where anything came from.

hmm well I think this is pretty long now and Ic ant think of anything else that needs saying, so I'm heading off!!!! :)