Friday, July 13, 2007

......{insert title here}.....

I have a headache that just wont go away! No matter what I take, it will go for about 10 minutes and then come back.

Anyway... When I was a kid I remember asking mum how come birds can stand on the electrical wires and not get fried. She told me it was because the birds have "special rubber feet" and they aren't affected by the electricity.

Fast forward 26 years to just yesterday... I was driving to work and there was a discussion on the radio about how you can hold on to one electrical wire and not have anything happen, but as soon as you touch a 2nd wire, your body acts as a conductor and all the electricity goes through and you get electrocuted.

I turn to Trav who was in the car with me and ask if its true, to which he said yep. hmm... then I told him the story of the birds with rubber feet and he could not believe that at age 26 I still believed that story!!! LOL I'm so disappointed that it's not true!

So, when we have kids they better watch out, I'll be spinning them the funniest stories when they ask me questions! ROTFL

WELL, not much has been happening around my little corner... Just plodding along. I'm a bit under the weather today but I had to come into work as the boss is at a training course, the Senior health inspector is off for the school holidays and that just leaves me to hold the fort and deal with all the complaints and sewer problems!!
ugh I dropped my camera in a big puddle of sewerage yesterday :( Fortunately it was the work camera.... but still.. YUCK! I smothered it in alcohol when I got back to work! hahaha

Quick dog update: Onlsow has lost a grand total of 10kg!!!! He WAS 57.5kg when we went in April to get his shots, and now just 3 months later he is sitting on 47.5 :) The goal is 45 so he's almost there :) I was looking at photos of him from April and OMG he looked MASSIVE!! LOL like a big fat blob-a-tron!

ANyway I can't be bothered typing anymore. Who wants to see some pretty layouts?

Check out the layout credits in my gallery

Well, thats all from me for the time being! Hope everyone has a great weekend!


Peta said...

maybe it was more a migrain then a headace?! - I know my mum got them and the only thing that would work is take something - go to bed with the lights out and the room in darkness and try to sleep it off...

I hope your's is gone now though. I hate normal headaces let alone persistant little mites that won't buddge :(

I soooo love the rubber feet thing to.. Very cute and I think I'll have to remember that one!!!

Chris said...

LOL with the rubber feet thing Lisa and yep I'm with Peta on the migraines as a few in my family suffer them and each differently. WTG Onslow for losing the pounds....ahhh I wish it were that easy for us