Saturday, April 29, 2006

sad day...

well, im obviously back from holidays, which were great. Had such a wonderful time over there and took pleanty of pics.. which is good cos I have come back to so many new kits to play with :)

Anyway I cant be bothered writing much today, and certainly not recapping our holiday, as we took Jessie to the vet today to have her put to sleep. So im devastated and exhausted at the moment. I know it was the right descision though but that offers little comfort. Its easy to make the descision but so hard to go through with it and deal with it!! Esepcially since I grew up with her, having got her when I was only 8 years old.

I decided last night after seeing her when we got back home.. she was waaay to skinny and was pooing all over the place, wandering around confused at times, and forgetting that she had been fed and crying for food every 2 seconds.

Anyway she sat on my lap for nearly 2 hours this morning and as soon as she did I thought hmm.. last time she will sit like this, and then the flodgates opened, and they havent really stopped!! Travis did all the ringing and arranging for me, and we took her at around 12:00. We sat with her while they gave her the needles and we took her home and buried her in the backyard. It was kinda weird on the trip back home, I had her wrapped in a towel, the vet arranged her in a curled up asleep position, so it just looked like she was sleeping, and only when we placed her in the ground that it really hit home. But she is at peace now, and pain-free and I bet she has found our little silky terrior dog called Orgy (thats short for August i think) who she used to terrorise by hanging onto his back with her claws while he was trying to run away from her!

This afternoon I just had to do something other than being curled up on a ball on the lounge, so I whipped up this:

I have already printed it out and its going in a frame and getting put on the wall as soon as this is published. The BG is a pic of a gorgeous sunset I took before we left.. I knew it would come in handy for something.

I made travis take some pics of us together in the backyard before we left. Well I think I might go sit on the lounge now. Travis has been bringing me teas and tissues all afternoon, did the washing, unpacked the suitcases and then made me dinner :) And the dogs have been giving me loads of kisses and hugs too :)


Anonymous said...

Hi Lis...i just saw the gorgeous page you did of is beautiful!!! Yes since travis rang me this arvo i have done nothing but cry also..and seeing her beautiful face has started me off again. But Lis we will get through this, we went through it with Orgy, and now they are together again. They did love each other those two!!! She was the boss and gave him some curry!!! LOl. She touched alot of hearts old Jess did, i was so happy to have been looking after her the last couple of weeks, as i knew it would be the last time i saw her.
Anyway just take as long as you want to be you have had her most of your life!!!
Love Mum xxxxx

Zebette said... so sorry to hear about your gorgeous cat Jess. It's awful when we have to saw goodbye to our beloved animals but at least Jess is at peace now.
Thinking of you.

Anonymous said...

This is a lovely LO Lisa, it is a terribly sad time, but you have 'scrapped' her memory with dignity & beauty.


Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa, Oh I am really so sorry, I cried when I read your post, I lost our dog Jasper, we had to do the same thing and it was so hard. He is also buried in our yard, you get so close to them, they are such a part of our lives. The layout you did is just so gorgeous, and something you will always treasure. Again I am so sorry. Thinking of you, best wishes.


Anonymous said...

Lisa I am so sorry for your loss.

A few years ago we had 2 of our childhood cats put to sleep at different times due to illness' and I remember how upsetting those times were for us. Reading your blog entry has brought back a few memories of my own and now I am crying with you.

I love your layout, it's so pretty and well done. I hope in time you will only remember the happy times you had together. Good luck.

Welcome back from your holiday, so glad you had a lot of fun over there.

Peta said...

Hey Lisa hun hugest of huge hugs comming your way hun. I understand some how you must be feeling - I went through this last year with my kitty cat Soukey :( I'm sure Jessie is up there makeing friends with lots and lots of cats too - I hope her and Soukey get to meet up and have lots of fun together :)

Anyways sending you another hug now!!! {{{{{HUG}}}}

The page you did is fantastic I love it!

Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you had a wonderful time on your holiday Lisa, and it's great to have you back, but what a terrible thing to have to deal with. I'm so sorry about your loss, so make sure you take comfort in your loved ones and those gorgeous dogs of yours.

BethJ said...

Oh Lisa - I am so sorry to hear of your cats passing.

Lauren Grier said...

So sorry to hear this :( It's always aweful when we have to lose our pets :(