Monday, January 29, 2007

Monday Randomness

Well, it was the Australia Day long weekend and we had such a busy but fun weekend :)
First, on Friday (Australia Day) we went out with some friends for a BBQ and an afternoon of lawn bowls up at their local bowling club. It was so much fun! We had an entire green to ourselves where we just ran amok drinking and soaking up some sun (with sunscreen on, of course!)

Then on Saturday we headed out to Mosman where we had arranged to go on a boat dive. So we jumped on the boat around 10:00am, took us 10 minutes to go out to the North Head. Got geared up, jumped in the perfectly calm waters and went for about 50 minutes. Towards the end of the dive we noticed a bit of surge and it was a bit rough as we stopped at 5m for 3minutes to do our safety stop. When we surfaced OMG the water was so choppy with huuuge swells! LOL we jumped back into the boat, and it seriously took us 40 minutes to get back. we had to go sooo slow cos we were in a tiny speed boat with 6 full sets of scuba gear and one very choppy ocean :) It was so much fun!!! I loved it!

Anyway then on Sunday we did some housework, I did my aerobics, Travis went for a cycle, then we headed to Travis's sisters house for a late lunch and then came home :) So it was a jam-packed weekend, but at the same time it was relaxing and fun :)

A few changes to my CT blinkies on the left happened late last week. I said godbye to Faith and Michelle and hello to Kellie Martin and Summer Simmons :) I applied for Summers team last time and didnt make it.. so it was a case of 2nd time lucky!!

Anyway here are some layouts.. one using Kellies new Sea Breeze mini kit, and one using Summers Southern Drawl paper pack :)

Credits here

Credits here

Funny how taking half an hour extra with my layouts has changed how I scrap. Pre-EHD days I used to just use what was in the kit cos I was too lazy to go through all my DVD's to find stuff...just slap it al together and think yeah it's good enough. NOW with everything easily accessible, all my kit previews printed and sitting next to me, I can see what I have and I find it so much easier. And I dont stop until I am 100% happy... because I have too many printed layouts that I just HATE cos I didnt take that extra time to make it better :) So Im loving my layouts now :)

Anyway I moved office on Thursday (LOL last week must have been a week for changes!) because the girl who left before Christmas had a better office than me.. its bigger, quieter, out of the way and it has TWO WINDOWS! my old office was smack bang in the middle of main walkway, had the printer at the door and the kitchen opposite it, and no windows. So there was always noise and people walking past. I love this new one :) I can check my forums and not be disturbed! hahhaha

oooh we have a dairy Farm right near us at home, and on Thursday night I was driving past to pick Travis up from the station and I noticed about 10 cars stopped by the side of the road, and all these people milling around.. so I slowed down to have a stickey beak and there was a cow about to give birth! As I was driving back with Travis, I slowed down again, just in time to see the little calf pop out and drop to the ground :) I have never ever seen that happen in the 2 years we have been there.. certainly never seen everyone mill around the fence.

Anyway then on saturday we were coming back from diving, and there were people there AGAIN and another cow has just had a baby!! We didnt see this one come out though, by the time we got there the baby was curled up on the hay and the mother was cleaning it :)

So they must have moved all the pregnant cows because there were a few more in that paddock that looked very very fat!!


Katie Nelson said...

Fun to hear about Australia Day!

Tabatha said...

What a fun day! Love the layouts, congrats on the new teams!

Anonymous said...

Lovely layouts! I hear ya on just using one kit because you're too lazy to look through your DVD's. I'm at the same stage right now. I want to use other stuff, but it's annoying to go looking. I have a laptop and sit in my rocking chair so I don't really have the space for an EHD. Guess I might use up the extra space on my hard drive for some things.

Anonymous said...

Lovely layouts! :)

Sounds like a very fun day! Made me miss the beach!

MizAmyLou said...

wow I am just so totally jealous! We have cold weather and what I wouldn't give to be off in the ocean right now. MAN oh man I need me some BEACH! :) LOVE your layouts too..sounds like you had a good weekend :)

Sam said...

Great Layouts!!! Soooo envious of your weather right now. As i type it is blizarding outside and the temp is -29. Ahhh ... but after reading your blog i can dream :)

Juzahlyn said...

congratz on the new deserved it you have great layouts and belated happy australia day