Sunday, January 21, 2007

Busted Custard!!

We have an old doona covering the lounge cos the dogs like sitting up there watching TV with us. Anyway its old, and we dont care about it. They worked out early on that they can open the buttons and pull a nice, white fluffy blanket out from inside. Well, theres about 3/4 of it left LOL The rest has been eaten.

Anyway they usually do this when I leave them for 10 minutes to get travis from the station. by the time they hear us getting home they abandon the scene.

Today it was really hot.
I went outside to pick up their poos and to put the bins outside cos it was bin night.
I came back inside and went to the lounge.. and snuck up on this:

hehhee I dont care about the doona inside either.. I won it at bingo about 8 years ago! LOL Once its completely gone its gone, they can just have the cover.

Oh well, at least they provide me with an endless suplly of cute pics to scrap!! LOL Just like these ones of Onslow:

Click right here to see the proper list of credits. I used a template by Deb Fisher. You may wanna click on her name (linked above) to pop by her blog and scroll down a bit :P

Anyway not much else has been happening... went scuba diving yesterday. Both today and yesterday have been hovering around the 40 degree C mark.. soooo hot!!! well, we dont really feel it cos of the air conditioning inside ;) But I remember when we first moved in, there was no a/c and the small split system stopped working after one week. oooh that was so bad! I was spraying myself with water bottles all day and having cold showers every hour. yuck!

Oh well... I think thats about it... going to sit on the lounge and watch the rest of the cricket with a glass of wine and some crackers! LOL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah, busted big time! How cheeky! Some great scrapping photos though :o)

Don't tell my DH you went diving - he hasn't been in ages and I know he'd love to!