Thursday, July 05, 2007


Ok so the most random things enter my mind and I generally start talking without thinking.

Take the other night, for instance.
I was washing up and Travis was cooking pasta.
He opened the packet and pulled out a long spagetti (raw) and sticks one end in my mouth.

I very very carefully eat my way through it, which was pretty tricky without having any hands to hold the rest of the pasta in place while biting bits off the end.

Once i'm done at start to marvel at the way the mouth is set up. "wow isnt it amazing how my teeth, tongue and lips all work together to eat the spaghetti".

Travis looks at me like im crazy.

I continue... "well, my tongue pulls the pasta into my mouth, my teeth snap a part of it off, and my lips keep the rest in place until the tongue can pull it back in! Amazing!

Travis isn't impressed and declared he could do the same thing without lips.

So he stands next to me, holds his lips apart (looking like an ape at this point) and gets me to put another spaghetti in his mouth. As soon as he took a bite, the rest fell into my washing up water.

At which point I stick a big soapy finger in face and yell "AHHHH-HAAAAAA!!! SUCKED IN!!" and then go back to the washing up.

I seriously don't think we are very normal ROTFL

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

lmao, I don't believe you are normal either...

hahahahah you guys are NUTS!