Friday, January 09, 2009


I was sooo looking forward to my tea when I got in to work today!! It's still cold, and when I went on my run this morning, I had 2 layers on and was tempted to go back for my light jacket.. the wind was going straight through me and giving me awful flashbacks of Winter when it was regularly -3 on my runs.

Anyway, usually I have my peppermint teas with breakfast, but today I needed something more... "warming"... like Chai tea.

I have been a fan of Chai tea for about 2 years now. At first I bought supermarket brands.. I tried Lipton, I tried Tetly, I tried Nerada.. they were nice, but nothing special. Then I stumbled upon Spicy Chai loose leaf tea from the home-brewing shop! It was far better than any of the supermarket ones. But very expensive.... $6.50 for only 60g of tea.

On Monday though, I spied a funky box which turned out to be Byron Chai when I was in the discount vitamins shop. For only $8 for 200g of tea leaves, I tried it, and I loved it! It was very similar in flavour to the brew sop tea, and much more affordable. So now I can drink 2 cups a day instead of 2 cups a week! LOL

Today, because I was so cold, I made it how it's SUPPOSED to be made... with half hot milk, half boiling water, and sweetened with maple syrup. (Usually I just brewed it in hot water and added a teaspoon of honey). OMG it was divine!! I can't go back to watery Chais anymore.

And check out my "fat fighters" mug!!! LOL I love it :)

Well, one more day of work for the week. And we are heading out to Thai with Jen and Greg tonight. mmm thai food *drools*

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