Sunday, January 03, 2010

Early Sunday morning...

Day 3: burrowing spider thing!

I woke up at 6:00am and saw Travis stumble out of bed, fall to his knees and hold his head.

Turns out he woke up because some bug crawled into his ear and he was trying to keep his head to the side.

I got up and poured some olive oil in there, and made him tip it out asap. Nothing came out. We went back to bed and I googled "how to remove a bug from ear".

Just as i found the instructions he complained that he could hear something. It was a crunching sound, just like the website said.

So we got back up, poured more oil in and left it for the specified 2 minutes to kill it, then tipped it out and flushed with water. Still nothing came out,
although the noise had stopped so we assumed it had drowned and wouldn't burrow any further.

At 8:30 we made our way to the medical centre as it was the only place open.

Dr couldn't see anything but he syringed the ear anyway, and this little bugger came out.

No idea what it is, but it soiled our plans of sleeping in and staying home all day!!!

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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