Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Ive been Tagged!!

Thanks Kylie! LOL took me a while to realise ;) hehhee

Four jobs you have had in your life
1. At the local AMF Bowling cafe - I lasted 3 hours!! LOL and NEVER GOT PAID!!
2. Donut King (I miss the free donuts!)
3. Dairy Farmers as a Lab assistant (testing cows milk)
4. Here - Local Council health inspector :)

Four Movies You Could Watch Over and Over
1. Legends of the Fall
2. The Lion King
3. Meet the parents
4. Griswolds - All of them!

Four Places You Have Lived
1. Werrington County, NSW, AUS
2. Emu Heights, NSW, AUS
3. no more.
4. no more.

Four TV Shows You Love To Watch
1. Reno 911
2. Kath and Kim
3. Little Britton
4. Fawlty Towers

Four Places You Have Been On Vacation
1. Daintree rainforest
2. Hamilton Island
3. Gold Coast
4. Canberra

Four Websites You Visit Daily
1. Scrapboxx
2. Sydney morning herald
3. Digital scrapbook place
4. Blogspot!

Four Of Your Favorite Foods
1. Pasta
2. sausages (cant get enough.. especially red wine flavoured, and spicy lamb... *drooling*)
3. Chocolate
4. Ice creams

Four Places You Would Rather Be Right Now
1. A tropical island on holidays
2. Scuba Diving somewhere
3. Realxing at home
4. anywhere but here at work!!!

Four Bloggers You Are Tagging (Sorry, had to raid the Blog thread on the boxx cos this seems to have done a LOT of rounds!!!!)
1. Tam
2. Cass
3. Steph
4. Michelle

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