Friday, June 30, 2006

ha! well today I had to go into the LSS to pick up some album refills I ordered in a while back. Unfortunately for my credit card, the shop had a 20% off sale!!! so as well as the album refills (2 packs) I picked up another album (Travis wants the NZ layouts to be in a separate album), as well as 2 gorgeous Basic Grey mini books!!! ooooh I love those :)
Heres the normal 8x8 bazzil album:

And my Basic Grey mini tag book:

And the other mini book: (my fave and the only one left ;))

When I go into the scrap book shop I aways end up looking at all the bits and pieces and just wanting to buy them all!! I have never done traditional paper scrapping before, but would like to just print my pics and BG papers off, and then put little prima flowers and gems and glitter on afterwards.

But I have stacks of flowers, glitter and jewels in my digital stash and tell myself to do a Craig David.. and just walk away!!! LOL Speaking of cute flowers, I am in LOVE with these:

Hand painted flowers from Michelle Bradley, in pastel or primary colours. and they look great all extracted and in folders ;)

ugh Im feeling so yuck today. I always seem to get the beginning of a flu / cold but it just never eventuates. This morning im freeeezing cold, all rugged up and still shivering here at work. LOL I get weird looks from people going past my office cos I have my scarf wrapped tightly around me and a big jacket on, when they are just walking around quite comfortably in a shirt!!!! I have an inspection which is actually booked in for 2:30 and I always feel bad cancelling booked inspections. So I am only here to hang around and do that, and as soon as its done im heading home. Productivity has gone through the floor today.. which is probably why I spent time browsing every single product in the scrap shop! LOL I havent got much of an appetite so I am sipping on a delicious "hearty winter vegetable" lots-a-noodle cuppa soup!!! yummo and im getting nice and warm from it too :)

Ohw ell, at least its friday.. and its mufti day so ive got jeans and sneakers on and am nice and comfy (just need a blanket to wrap around myself LOL) and I have 2 days to relax and sleep in. ahhhh nice.


Anonymous said...

Hope you don't get a full blown cold. Good idea sipping soup and wearing a scarf, clever girl Lisa.

Yes it was freeeeezing here this morning too. When I got home from taking my daughter to school my hands and fingers felt so cold I could hardly type on the keyboard. I ended up running them under hot water and help them

Have a great week and keep warm.

Kylie said...

LOL lisa u r too funny! LUCKY for your credit card you dont do paper scrapping THEN youd be in more trouble ROTFL

Anonymous said...

I avoid paper scrapping shops because it's too tempting, even though I am digi-only! I hope that cold stayed away for you on the weekend!