Sunday, June 25, 2006

My eye is on you :)

hehehe. I used to really dislike my eye colour cos they are "just brown"... I wanted a pretty green, or at the very least a nice blue! LOL Actually, they are a dark brown and you have to get really close, or have a nice bright light (like my camera flash LOL) to be able to see the pupil. I actually quite like my eyes these days... so much so that I had to get in nice and close for a pic to display it on my blog LOL

I made a nice BG to go with the banner.... I just can't quite figure out how to get the BG to work properly in this silly blogger template... it just shows up in patches.. might get Travis to help me with that... then agin white still looks good so I might just leave it.

hmm... well today we took Onslow to the vet and they think the lump is a reaction to the antibiotcs they gave him a few weeks back, which they injected between the shoulders where the lump has now appeared. So we have to just keep an eye on it, make sure it doesnt get any bigger, and if it IS what they say, then it will disappear of its own accord. Phew! AND we ddnt get charged for the cosultation which I thought was pretty neat :) Although, they could have told me that BEFORE I lined up at the counter for 15 minutes waiting for my turn to be served LOL

not much to report today... same old boring saturday housework...did the washing, did my pilates DVD, went for a nice brisk 50 minute walk, it was a beautiful day here today!
Not much on the plans for tomorrow... well, technically tomorrow is already here seeing as it is 1:00am LOL

Socceroos play on tuesday morning, 1:00am (AU time) so that will be another day spent being very very sleepy at work LOL. I get so caught up in the world cup every time its on, but normally I find soccer to be a pretty boring game. And this year with Australia being in it (and doing quite well!) its much more exciting :) So go the Aussies on Tuesday!!!


kate said...

Thats one definite advantage to being in England - we're only an hour behind Germany and get to watch all the games in the evening.

I like the banner - your eye looks awesome.

Anonymous said...

Wow Lisa, your banner looks amazing!! How cool!