Thursday, June 22, 2006

Random Thought Thursday

Random thought:
Do you think dogs from foreign countries can understand each other? I had this thought today when I walked past a lady talking to her dog in Chinese.. telling it to sit obviously, cos it sat. And I got to thinking.. well I know it wouldnt understand ME if I went up to it and said "sit" (cos obviously I cant speak Chinese) but if a chinese doggy met Belle and Onslow.. would they understand it if it barked?? OR if an American dog met Belle and Onslow would they notice that the bark has a different accent?
LOL These are the kind of pointless, illogical thoughts that occupy my head space for most of the day.... quite sad really isnt it??!!


Well, I chucked all my blog links plus more that I go to but havent gotten around to actually linking on my blog, into a bloglines thingy cos I actually am quite lazy and have had enough of cliking on 50 different links to check if they have been updated LOL

Anyway I logged in yesterday and 2 were updated so I checked them out, this morning there was one more, and thats it... but when I clicked on my little linkies to the side, MORE had been updated over night and I wasnt told. LOL
I must be doing soemthing wrong.. I dont read instructions, I just found a little bloglines shortcut to put in my faves, added everyone and had no idea what I was doing LOL
So I will keep the links here for a while longer till I can trust bloglines! Not sure if I like it yet....

Anyway how sweeeeeeet is this kit by Michelle Bradley??!!

Its her new Spring doodles kit, available here at her shop!
So many gorgeous elements in it, so soft and girly and I just love it!!! Couldnt use as many elements as I wanted to on this layout so I will be doing osme more layouts with it LOL

Everything from the above kit, except for the jewels whcih are by Jeanelle Paige.

Thats it. Something random and illogical (dogs).. something completely irrelevant to your everyday lives (bloglines issues) and some kit pimping :)

Now off to buy 3 litres of milk, some raw sugar and a yogurt or soemthing else to snack on cos we have run out of snacks and Im hungry!! (*more useless info)


Anonymous said...

can't stay away from the books for long, just thought i'd pop in, say hi, and that ill catch up with your blog sooooon!!!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm, now you got me thinking!! I guess I don't know about the doggie language thing, but interesting thought! Love the new layout!