Thursday, August 24, 2006


The smallest things can irriate me so much.

The worst is the word RAWK. I can NOT stand it!!!!!!! I cringe everytime i see it written on a message board, comment, blog.. wherever.. it makes me want to smack the person who wrote it. There should be a word filter on that word, its just plain stupid. And HAWT to a lesser degree. but its the first one that annoys the crap out of me.

I'm going to have to smack myself soon soon because I cant believe I have just typed my 2 most HATED words on my own blog.

Yep, im in a bit of a mood today.. been cooped up inside searching through piles legislation trying to pull out the most "important" bits and have idiots whinging in my ear constantly all day... I have no tolerance left!!!!! I jump on the forums and what do i see first thing.. man that RAWKS.

Strewth and flamin 'eck Ails!!!!



Anonymous said...

O-kay then! Hope you feel better now! Always helps to air :o)

Anonymous said...

ROFL at that last line!!

But I totally hear you. I think my biggest annoyance is text speak. And when it's not in a text?? God help the person who sends me emails in text speak!

Anonymous said...

Also LOL at the last line. HERE, HERE, I agree. I hope you feeling better soon. A good vent is always good.

Peta said...

I was about to be a smart ass and say this post RAWKS... but hehe thought better of it :D

Can't say I think to much on those two... don't think i even use them ROFL

Have to admit though some american-isums really annnoy me - and I try to keep well away from useing them!

Karen said...

And the dumbest part is that you have to type an extra letter for HAWT rather than just type HOT.