Friday, May 25, 2007

woo hoo.. FRIDAY!!!

Oh I love fridays. And this week has just gone soooo quick :) Unfortunatley the weekends seem to go even quicker and before I know it, it's Monday again!

Anyway check it out.. Belle and Onslow have their own DOG space accounts!!! ROTFL

Go look at them:

They are getting a nice list of doggie friends already :)

So what else... well, I have a cold. I've dosed up on cold and flu tablets so I'm feeling great :D For now.

Its been a big week work-wise! Tuesday I had to inspect a morgue, and wednesday I had to inspect a LEGAL brothel! ROTFL talk about 2 extremes!! ANd everyone seems to be in a complaining mood.. about EVERYTHING so most of my time this week has been checking out noisy neighbours, people dumping rubbish, overflowing sewers... ugh.

I forced a layout last night... I started using this kit on saturday, canned the layout (it was of Onslow and he doesnt suit these colours LOL) and then started again on Sunday... got stuck, left it and *finally* finished it last night :)

Kit - Pomegranate Margarita by Lauren Grier and Joana Carvalho. Get it at the Sweet Shoppe! Page fold - Kara Fredrick, Alpha - Michelle Coleman

hahaha I remember that cake took us forever to make, ages to decorate and a long time to light all the candles!!! But he was a hit! and so tasty :)

Not much lined up for the weekend... Another vet visit for Onslow to get the last of his injections tomorrow, going with Travis' parents out for dinner on Saturday night for their 35th wedding anniversary, going to the football on Sunday to watch Penrith take on the Tigers. And hopefully win. Im sick of loosing games at home... not just loosing, but playing bad, making heaps of mistakes and just handing the game to the opposition.

well its getting nice and cold and crisp in the mornings!!! The days are still sunny and warm.. I want those nice, gloomy, dark wintery days to set in :) I love Winter!!! I love being all rugged up in my thick jackets, boots, scarf and hat :) Maybe I need to live somewhere with snow... Maybe New Zealand. In FOx Glacier and I can get a job taking people for treks up there. Or Picton. That was really pretty. Nice diving there too, I could become a scuba diving instructor or guide. ahhh to dream!!!!!


kate said...

the doggy websites are too funny.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lisa

I am not sure if you will remember me or not. I am Susan (smiles1965) from Scrapboxx.

I have visited your blog before but not for a long while now.

I recently joined Linda's web site Strictly Scrapbooking so I might see you around there sometimes.

Congratulations for getting more of your work published recently. I recognised your name as soon as I saw it in the recent scrapping mags. That's wonderful, well done:)

I am glad Onslow is on the mend. He must get sick of being inside most of the time and hard for you and Travis too. I bet he can't wait to be running around outside and rolling in the grass.

I love the web sites you set up for the dogs, just so cute. What a great idea.

How exciting about your upcoming holiday. I bet your already counting down the weeks. I wish I had a overseas holiday planned. I need to win LOTTO

Anyway must go now, take care and have a terrific week. Hope to see you soon on Strictly Scrapbooking.

From Susan (smiles1965).

Chris said...

LOL Lisa with the doggie websites although I have to admit I have been there a few times but just haven't got CJ there. Wow what a week at work, I just hope next week is better. Love the LO as well and yep the weekends sure do go by to quick.