Monday, August 27, 2007

So where was i?

The weeks are flying by SOOO quickly!!! The weather is warming up and I feel like I have been so busy, but I don't really have a whole lot to update the blog with... I have been out and about taking heaps of photos whenever I can. I was originally going to go and take some pics of a horse thing on the weekend.. showjumping or dressage or something... but I kinda forgot about it and organised catching up with a friend LOL But it worked out well, because it was cancelled due to the horse flu which is going around.

Anyway Lauren tagged me about a billion years ago and im now finally going to do it LOL

A - Attached or Single: Attached
B - Best Friend: I'd have to say Travis
C - Cake or Pie: Pie
D - Drink of Choice: alcoholic - vodka; non alcoholic - Water
E - Essential Item: A hair elastic :)
F - Favorite Color: Blue
G - Gummi Bears or Worms: Starburst Rattlensakes :) Which I guess are worms
H - Hometown: Sydney, Aus. well, not IN Sydney itself, but close enough.
I – Indulgence(s): Bubble Baths. I don't have them very often anymore since the water restrictions came into place!
J - January or July: January... Its my birthday, It's warm and there are a few public holidays thrown in the mix :)
K - Kids: 2 Very hairy ones with 8 legs between them.. Belle and Onslow ROTFL
L - Life is incomplete without:
Travis, the dogs and My Family
M - Marriage Date: October 23, 2004
N - Number of Siblings: 2 sisters
O - Oranges or Apples: Apples in terms of whole fruits, oranges if we are talking about juice :)
P - Phobias/Fears: Having the EHD's crash and I loose all my pics and scrap-stash!
Q - Favorite Quote: Too many and my brain isn't functioning this early on a MOnday morning.
R - Reason to smile: Heaps :) A great husband, a loving and funny family, 2 beautiful dogs, a job I love, friends, Spring is on the way, We are heading overseas soon, I went shopping on the weekend.. LOL
S - Season: It's a tie between Spring and Autumn. I love the colours in both seasons.
T- Tag Three: Whoever wants to
U - Unknown Fact About Me: I don't brush my hair. LOL Unless i'm blow drying to go out, then I use a brush. Otherwise I just use my fingers to smooth it out or put it up in a pony tail :) I like messy hair!
V - Vegetarian or Oppressor of Animals: Carnivore :)
W - Worst Habit: A toss up between forgetting things and getting too distracted.. which I guess are kind of the same thing seeing as I start one thing, get distracted and never go back to finish off the original task.
X - X-rays or Ultrasounds: Well I did love the xrays i had at the dentist as a kid with the big machine that circled around my head!
Y - Your Favorite Foods: Pasta with lots of cheese and garlic; custard; chickpeasZ- Zodiac: Capricorn

Ok time for a cup of coffee.. im so tired this morning and we have an hour long presentation in 23 minutes. ugh Im basically falling asleep now as it is! LOL

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